Are you ready for your miracle?
A course in miracles (Helen Schucman) says: >> Miracles are natural. When they don’t appear, something has gone wrong. << But when you look at reality, too many people complain and as much as you wish, there is not much of these miracles to see in their daily life. So let me ask you a question: how many of these miracles are showing up in your life?
What is a miracle
Sticking to a course in miracles, the definition of a miracle is the following: >> Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love. The real miracle is the love that inspires them. In this sense, everything that comes from love is a miracle. << In other words, miracles are pure love. It is not only when someone heals like magically from a terrible disease or something likewise. It is important to recognize this, so you can start to look for the miracles in your life.
Miracles in your daily life
So the question I asked you before could also be: how much love do you have in your life? And by love, I don’t mean a partner, I don’t mean romantic love. I mean everyday’s love, like random acts of kindness, love, that you gift to yourself. Or someone that helps you in a difficult situation, or listens to you when you need it, and gives you a hug when you are sad. It may come from a stranger smiling at you on the street. All these things can be miracles, especially if they are inspired by love.
What happens for many
As you can see, miracles are not just big, huge magical things, but the little things that happen on a daily basis. But many times we are too busy to see all this beauty around us, all the time. This is something that was tried to be proved in an experiment where Joshua Bell played in the Washington DC metro, and hardly anyone stopped (check out the experiment here). I agree that it is also due to the setup – people rush to work and mostly don’t have time to stop and listen. But hands on the heart: isn’t it that many of us are basically busy all the time and would not have realized this or any beauty, no matter the circumstances?
What you need to do
In order to be prepared to see, receive and appreciate miracles, you need to make space in your life. If you rush, hurry and stress, you are not in the mindset to recognize these little acts of love or the beauty that the world offers you, because the only thing you focus on is the next task, and the next one, and the next one. To see and receive a miracle, you need to stop. Love is slow. Miracles are slow. The small ones, such as the big ones, require time, self awareness and self love. The latter one, because if you don’t love yourself, how would you believe you are worthy of receiving the miracle?
Being the miracle
There is one way to accelerate the receiving of miracles in your life: being the miracles for others. So why don’t you start today and add a little miracle into every day, not just for yourself, but for others? Be the smile someone receives. Give the hug someone needs. Or spend the time with someone lonely, so they feel a little act of love. And the more you start being the miracle for others, the more you will attract miracles into your life. The small and the big ones.
Shine in your most beautiful way. With love, grace and joy. Enjoy every moment with all the beauty that lies within.