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Why your manifestation does not work, even though you see the signs?

Let’s imagine the following situation: you are on your way, you do manifestation, and you see little results. You can see and feel it working, but whatever you get, it seems to not stay with you. And whatever you do, the result stays the same.

Let’s look at an example: let’s say you try to manifest more money in your life, and it comes your way. Little things: a tax refund, a gift, a little heritage. But just one moment after you receive it, it tends to leave you again, such as your car breaks down, you have an additional payment on your utility bills… So even though it works, it doesn’t at the same time. Are you familiar with this situation?

Here is what’s happening:

You did some nice work healing yourself from what was preventing your manifestation to come towards you in the first place. Congratulations. This is the first step and you are gradually on the way to achieve your dream life. Maybe you haven’t yet healed everything, but enough to enable miracles for you. That’s great.

Many people can get rid of some of the blockages and arrive at this stage, but then they get stuck again. Why? Everyone told you, you only have to heal, and then miracles will happen. And they do. They just don’t stick with you. And you might wonder why and what you are doing wrong.

This is why your manifestation shows up and leaves within one breath

Good news is: you don’t do anything wrong, you just didn’t complete the process. Chances are that you approach your manifestation from the same self that produced the troubles in the first place. That’s confusing, I get it, so let me explain this a bit simpler: Imagine yourself to be a small cup. Before you healed, that cup was full of all the things you stuffed in there because you didn’t want to look at it. When you did your healing work, step by step you took out all these memories and healed the wounds that they left within.

So before you cleaned up that cup, nothing fitted in, because it was full. Once you cleaned it, there was space and it could fill up again with new and positive things, your manifestations. But as I said, you are a small cup (education formed you this way), and there is only so much space to fill, so when it was full… literally as if you fill it with water, a small cup can only hold a little water. And when you keep pouring, the water will spill.

What can you do about this?

And this is exactly what happens with you and your manifestations. You healed, but you didn’t expand. You are yet not able to open up the space for the manifestations to settle in, to stick with you. It’s not just about healing, it is about remembering who you were before education happened, and allowing yourself to fill up all the space that you were thought to be.

And that is the easy and difficult thing at the same time: you need to allow yourself to grow back into who you were and who you are. To make space for all the beautiful things the universe holds for you. And embrace it with love, grace and gratitude.

Here is a little read on how your relationships look like if you healed

Here is to more happiness

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