Red flags in dating
Yeah, today we go and take a deep dive into the topic of dating and define some red flags, even though they don’t (yet) seem to be so red at all. Yes of course, there are red flags that are…
All I want is love, and all I get is fight
How you can replace fights in your relationship by something better I guess, sometimes it just happens: you want to have a good time with your partner, (re)connect, or just spend some time and feel the love. But what happens…
Do you have an open heart?
Finding people who have open hearts is difficult. Even more difficult is finding people who keep their heart open when they feel your love.
What happens to your relationships if you finally get to overcome your fears?
I have been a single- and relationship coach for almost all my working life. But that does not mean I never had any troubles when it came to relationships, it means basically the opposite. Because where we struggle the most…