General,  Happiness,  Love,  Wealth

How I got rid of my struggles and how you can too

Follow these instructions instead of pulling your hair out

It is true, no one really wants to talk about their personal flaws. Neither do I. But the fact is – talking about it or not – struggles are real, and they are there, for everyone of us, also for me. And believe me, I struggled gracefully, and less gracefully too. Not only in my personal relationships, it was also concerning my health and my finances. Today, I will talk about the latter one. But even though this topic does not concern you, you might be interested and keep reading. Because I will reveal a solution that applies to all kinds of problems, not only to finances.

To be truthful here: the first time I struggled with my finances was when I struggled with my whole life. And it all started on a vacation, when everything was supposed to be bright and shiny, that is when the shadows hit. But what happened? I jumped off a horse, but when I landed on the ground, my leg didn’t hold me, and I fell. I didn’t immediately understand what happened, and thought I might have just twisted my ankle. I tried to get up, just to understand: it does not work. That was when I realized that I had no feeling in my left leg and whenever I tried to step on it, it would give in and I fell again, the leg was paralyzed. And all that happened within the blink of an eye.

The struggle

To keep the story short, here is when the struggle started: It was because I realized how fast things can change. One moment everything is fine, the next moment everything is gone. I understood that just the next moment, I could be dead. I got depressive, was full of fears, and cried almost day and night. The result was inevitable: I wasn’t able to work, but still had to pay my bills. My physical health was gone, and my relationships suffered. And I wasn’t able to change a thing.

Until the day when I realized: I need a change, I need this to change. I am not dead yet, but I am living as a walking (or not so much walking) dead. No, I didn’t realize this on my own. I was gifted a ticket to a seminar, where I was reminded that there is more to life than struggles. So I started to learn. Physically and mentally. I already had a solid foundation of knowledge on health and coaching, but I missed the understanding of how to really deal with money.

The solution

That was the moment when I understood that I need a solid basis in my life when it comes to money. Life isn’t always easy, and struggles coming from a lack of money are real. And for the first time in my life, I was willing to look into this struggle. I started to invest in myself, took courses, and learned to get rid of this gap.

Getting rid of struggles once and forever

All of this helped me a lot till a point when I got stuck again. I was in business, but wasn’t able to shift, to really make it work and earn good money. Whatever angle I was trying to look at my new problems (that of course did not only appear in one area of my life), I got the same result. First I was only disappointed, then helpless and sad. Btw – did you notice that when you have struggles, they tend to spread out to all areas of life?

What I do when I tend to be clueless about what could be my next step: I get help. 4 eyes always see better and more than two, especially if these two are my own, and look at the same thing the same way they always used to look at it. And with the help of my coach, I was able to uncover beliefs, thoughts, feelings that I still had concerning money, that I wasn’t aware of. And even if I were, I didn’t think they mattered as they were too small: like when I wanted to buy a new yoga mat because the one I had was too thin, I felt guilty, because I bought one that was more expensive than expected.

Yes my friend, this is how deep we need to go when we want to heal. And this is why it is so difficult to do it ourselves and all alone. Because we tend to forget one fact: everything in life is energy. And so every thought is energy. And the energy of this little guilty thought was not abundant at all, which is just a mirror of how I internally still felt about money.

It’s smaller than you think

And after everything I learned, I realized that what I need to do, to really do is: changing this energy. And this is when the real change happened. I didn’t only realize it on the outside, but also within myself. I suddenly started to be creative towards finding new ways to create ways for money to flow into my life, from the state of being stuck I went to being proactive and having fun, because the fear was gone and I felt save and secure in every step I took.

And this my friends applies not only to the topic of money, this applies to all struggles that you might have in your life. Change is never one-dimensional. If you collect all the knowledge of the world, you might become very sage, but only when you execute the knowledge, are you able to see what is working and what is still going wrong. And this will then open the door for you to move closer to your goal, to your inner chore, where your hopes are living, and where you try to protect everything that is most valuable to you. But where you also hide what you want no one to see, your flaws and pains. This is where you need to reach to create change, that is permanent.

Read more about a lack of money here

Read more about what happens if you overcome your fears here

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